Sunday, August 24, 2008

{Getting a Variety}

Here's a peak at yesterday's session with 11 week old Corey. Mom and dad wanted to have a variety of post processing looks and I was more than happy to oblige! With the Holidays coming around the corner, keep your session photographs in mind for the design of GW Studios' Holiday cards!

Thursday, August 14, 2008

{Session Availability}

The countdown is on for baby #2's arrival and I have limited availability remaining before I start maternity leave between September 13-October 24th. All weekend dates are now booked before then and I've just opened up 2 week day morning sessions each week for the first 2 weeks of September! If you would like to book a session please contact me soon!! Or if you'd like to book a session for when I return in October and before the Holidays please note that GW Studios will be open until November 23rd in order to get all prints processed just in time for Christmas.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

{Indianapolis Here I Come!}

This may not be your typical vacation but for myself, taking a road trip to Indianapolis to attend a photography creative workshop was such a treat! In July I went away for 4 days and brought back many creative ideas for GW Studios. We had several sessions combined into one and here are some of the photographs that I took there.